Hunting in Australia can involves many different invasive and introduced species as well as traditional game varieties. Mostly done by rifle and shotgun.
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Hunting in Australia
Hunting in Australia today is most commonly carried out by shooting from a ground base. The majority of this form of hunting is by rifle followed by shotgun. Other forms include shooting with a bow and even black gunpowder muzzle loaders.
History of Hunting in Australia
Pre European settlement
Indigenous Hunters
The early human inhabitants of Australia relied on hunting as a major source of food. The native fauna was on the hunting list with everything from kangaroos to crocodiles.
Post European settlement
European settlers as hunters
The early settlers from Europe also hunted the native wildlife to supplement their food supplies.
Like rabbits, pigs were brought into Australia with the First Fleet. They too can now be found in every part of the country.
Like rabbits and pigs, goats were brought into Australia with the First Fleet. They too can now be found across the country.
Chital Deer
Chital Deer were brought into Australia and as ever some escaped and established wild herds. They can now be found in New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.
Buffalo were brought into Australia in the Northern Territory where they have spread across the tropical North.
Fallow Deer
Fallow Deer were brought into Tasmania. They can now be found in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.
Red Deer
Red Deer were brought into Tasmania. They can now be found in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria.
European Red Fox
The European Red Fox was brought into Australia for recreational hunting. They can now be found in every part of the country.
Hog Deer
Hog Deer were brought into Australia. They can now be found in New South Wales and Victoria.
The first settlers from Europe also brought rabbits with them. Although the real invasion came in 1859, they can now be found in every part of the country.
Sambar were introduced to Australia. They can now be found in New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia and Victoria.
Rusa Deer
Rusa Deer were brought into Australia. They can now be found in New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia

Legal Requirements
Regardless of what Australian state or territory you are in you must be licensed to use the firearm you are hunting with.
Each state and territory has its own laws with regard to what you can shoot, when, how, bag limits, minimum caliber and shot sizes. It is the responsibility of the hunter to abide by the laws and also gain permission if necessary from land holders to operate on their property.